Through clear process workflows, PMS Thomin guides your project to promising results.
Through clear process workflows, PMS Thomin guides your project to promising results.
Save time and money with efficient structures: PMS Thomin provides services that all function together, integrated under a single roof.
PMS Thomin has an extensive network of professional partners at its disposal for almost any marketing task.
At PMS Thomin creative solutions are not pre-prepared but are devised by our experts.
PMS Thomin offers special solutions even for unusual customer queries.
PMS Thomin represents utmost quality at all project stages and dependable knowledge about the legal framework conditions – ranging from planning to the final product.
PMS Thomin attaches utmost importance to project and target definition to be carefully worked out in conjunction with the client. For this determines the DNA of a future product or a service. If mistakes are made at this stage, they often continue throughout the entire process, causing additional costs and time losses.
Even before product development begins, PMS Thomin develops on the client’ behalf the anticipated budget and the quality criteria that the new product must fulfil, in addition to the timeframe for the development process incl. expert appraisals of samples and the completion deadline.
Creativity, flexibility and rapidity are PMS Thomin’s strengths in product development. “Everything under a single roof” means quick decision-making and rapid, economical processes in addition to the ability to incorporate any further wishes on the client’s part at every process stage. What is more, one of the real models produced by us places your future solution directly in your hands.
PMS Thomin has an extensive international network of qualified producers at its disposal and can therefore select for each client the manufacturer who offers the best price, performance and quality ratio. PMS Thomin does of course monitor manufacturing over the entire production period.
Nowadays, packaging items are more than just transport protection. They must on the one hand be functional, appealing, sales promoting and recyclable and on the other hand also comply with legal requirements. PMS Thomin has been a recognised developer and producer of individual packaging items in the B2B and B2C areas for many years now.
PMS Thomin’s service portfolio naturally also includes appropriate finishing of the product and packaging.
Since PMS Thomin provides everything from a single source, ranging from production to finishing, continuous quality control according to the high PMS Thomin standards is guaranteed at every process stage.
PMS Thomin has high warehouse capacities available and is therefore able to offer safe, proper storage at all times at various different locations. This avoids additional transport costs.
360° service from PMS Thomin also includes the offer of taking charge of goods logistics and punctual dispatch on the client’s behalf. This keeps time expenditure as low as possible for the customer. Once the product and packaging have been released, the customer only needs to communicate shipping addresses and shipping dates to PMS Thomin; the rest is performed reliably and “just in time”.
Hello! Bonjour! Ciao! Здравствуйте! We offer you quick and affordable translations in many languages and particularly in our chemical specialist areas.
Permitted? Prohibited? Approved? We take charge of changes on your behalf to ensure that your products also comply with the law in foreign countries or are competitive on other markets.
If it doesn’t fit, we make it fit! We ensure that every product corresponds one hundred per cent to your wishes and expectations.
To get your message across: we help you with individually designed postcards, letters and flyers.
Strengthen your brand or your product. We work together with you in developing impressive retail experiences for your customers.
In a nutshell: We check your texts for content, coherence, layout, stylistics and form.